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Al-Azhar Industrial Engineering Student Association or also known as HMTIA , is a student organization at the Industrial Engineering study program level at Al Azhar University Indonesia which was founded on March 22, 2003. Our organization was founded on Pancasila and based on the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. So that this organization has a function as a forum for student activities at the UAI IT study program level, a medium for establishing relationships with other institutions, as well as accommodating and channeling the aspirations of all HMTIA members.

Symbol Meaning:

  1. The triangle-shaped symbol with the shape from the bottom up is getting bigger, which means that the HMTIA organization is growing and developing.

  2. The factory illustration form is modified from the letters T and I, which stands for Industrial Engineering.

  3. A factory which is a place for product/manufacturing has the meaning that the HMTIA organization can produce quality human resources so that the university and the state can be proud.

  4. The dot above the letter I, in the form of a circle, means that the HMTIA organization has determination and is like the sun shining brightly with the hope that the HMTIA organization will always benefit others.

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